I stayed home sick, today. My throat is killing me, full of gunk, my head is swimmy, my stomach rolling, and my body achy and limp. So, I curled up on the couch once the kids were off to school, thinking I would sleep my entire day away. I had made myself a steaming cup of TheraFlu, in hopes that it would calm my angry throat enough for me to get some actual sleep. Instead, the writing bug bit me. So, I pulled out my notebooks, and , while I didn't necessarily get anything new done, I did get everything pulled together on Word, and then uploaded to my website. I know there are still some tweaks I'll need to do on it, to make it run a little smoother in places, but all in all, I'm pretty happy with it.
Right now I'm to the part in the story where nothing really big is happening. So, I am trying to figure out where to go with this part.. what is going on, and how do I transfer to the next stage, which is a few years later, and then again to a few more years? The time span, and having to jump years multiple times in the story is what has gotten my feathers all matted and bunched. My brain feels like it's been dipped in tar. I will figure it out eventually though.
But, I just wanted you to know that while I may not have been writing here, I was writing! Productively!
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